Saturday, October 12, 2013

Do I MiSS teaCHinG? the MILLION dollar qUeSTion...

Since we moved to Utah this is the question that I have been asked the most...which is understandable...especially from family and fellow teachers...those who knew it was more than a J.O.B to me.  If I answer it on the surface YES I miss teaching, BUT(there is always a but) in all reality I haven't teaching is just done on a different platform...on my terms!!!  And more than anything I miss my co-workers, BUT thanks to great technology many of us are still in contact.

I have been so blessed with the most beautiful, amazing daughters and as their mom it is a dream come true for me that I can be home with them. Can I say that I LOVE laundry, cleaning floors, making beds, scrubbing toilets???  Lets not get crazy here...the answer is NO!!! It is more than that...because I am home I have been able to make our house a home...I am able to be present in all the happenings of the daily routine...I can be in constant "MOM" mode and not have to turn that on and off.  I am able to do things for me and my family at the very moment they are needed.  I am also able to be a better wife...because I am home and able to run the ship so to speak my hubby is able to focus on work at work and come home to a place of peace and relaxation!!!(which in turn gives him the ability to be a better dad and  I am definitely in my sweet spot every day I wake up.  And I am able to be a better ME because there is time in my day to do stuff for myself...DIY projects of all kinds, reading books, running/working out and whatever feels good on that day. I see life so differently priorities have a clear focus and I feel so blessed to be "living the dream", cliche I know, but very much the truth.  My cup is FULL and I can give that back to my most precious gifts.

Hope this helps answer that million dollar question!!!  I can't even begin to explain in words how blessed I really do feel...and I never thought my life could get an better...but it continues to daily and I think it is mainly because I have embraced my life and live each day to the regrets!!  I am so aware that life can change in a split I have no other choice but to hold on, ENJOY and be present in each moment!!!

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