Saturday, March 15, 2014

#SheSharesTruth...Psalm 38

Thanks again to the gals of #SheReadsTruth for allowing me to "dig deep" into scripture this Lenten season and really challenge myself.  It has given me a deeper sense of gratitude to you ladies...doing this DAILY for us...what a true gift you have...and then to top it off when I was struggling with what this passage meant to me...or how I would put it into words...I could just link up with some of the other posts and there it was...the meaning of Psalm 38 on my heart...with the "push" of all these women!!!
Verse 4 really resonated with me...I have been there...hanging onto guilt...for far too long...

I can honestly say that I know what it feels like to hold on to guilt or any other un-worthy feeling for far too can feel it in your mind, body and soul....from the top of your head to your finger tips and toes...where it takes away your "light at the end of the tunnel"...questioning that thing we call faith...and when this happens we must remember to draw near to our Lord...cry out to him and know HE will find us and lead us back...we must have an open honest heart and seek Him above ALL things!!!  From the smallest of battles to the biggest...they are never too small or too big.


  1. Beautiful post, Jenn! I, too, know what it's like to hold onto that guilt until it nearly crushes me. Thank God for his mercy, that we can always cry out to Him and he will answer!

  2. Love the reminder that no battle is too big or too small for Him! And praise Jesus that there is NO condemnation in matter what my mind may say.
