Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thankful Thursday...all things Etsy...

Linking up with the lovely hosts of Thankful Thursday again this week...
Mia at Make Up Mia, Katie at Katie Elizabeth, Carly at Carly Blogs Here & Kristal at The Strong Family
I had a "BIG" week so to speak for I am mostly gonna give the highlights & of course tons of pics.
I am super excited to announce that my Etsy site jennd. DESIGN went live on Friday April 11th.

I have been thinking of opening an Etsy site for over a year...then in January of this year I made the decision I was going for it.  I updated my blog look...thank you Jana Tolman Design.  I got to work on a name and logo...thank you to my brother, Lance, with Innovative Designs.  And of course started brain storming what creative route I would take...and I decided on my love of helps that I am in love with my sewing machine given to me by my grandma, thanks Grandma Rosy...a 1974 Singer...#vintage!!  Oh and fabric shopping may be one of my favorite things on the planet!!!  Thank you to my sister, Ang, for being a great fabric consultant!

Then to top off the week I had my first sale...#chaching!!!

My days are spent at the sewing machine and I can't wait to add more items to my shop.  I plan to start feature Friday's{tomorrow} on the blog to showcase what I have in the shop and what is to come!!!  Again what a great week!